Friday, January 31, 2020

History of Black Nurses Essay Example for Free

History of Black Nurses Essay Trained schools for students who wanted to pursue a career in nursing came about in the 1800s when Florence Nightingale advocated the idea. The only students that were accepted into these programs where white students, blacks were not allowed any education during this time. Blacks were not given equal rights as the white people, and were denied the right to have an education. There were many black young women who were very interested in nursing, and were dedicated to pursue their dream, and wouldnt stop trying until they were given equal rights and accepted into these nursing programs. Some black women would follow along with the black soldiers in the Civil War and provide care to these wounded soldiers, as well as provide food, and also teach them to read and right. The first school of nursing was formed after two black men in Chicago, Illinois won the support of their community, and made a hospital out of a small brick building. The black people also came together to form the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses, an organization formed to protect the black nursing profession, and to stop discrimination towards them. History of Black Nurses During the early 1800s nursing was mainly caring for the sick by family members or slaves. Nurses provided care in homes, and when World War I and II came about, nurses were sent off to provide care to the wounded soldiers. There was not a trained system for nurses to learn and gain experience in the profession, so all of the care that the sick were provided was by untrained nurses. It wasn’t until Florence Nightingale recognized the idea of providing a trained, organized system for nurses to learn before they worked as a professional nurse. Many schools arose out of her idea, however white students were only accepted into these nursing schools, blacks were not accepted. Black people were not given equal rights as the whites, and were denied the right for education and were therefore, denied acceptance into these nursing programs. Mary Eliza Mahoney was born to Charles and Mary Jane Mahoney in 1845, in Boston, Massachusetts. She began to show an interest in nursing when she was a teenager, and worked at the New England Hospital for Women and Children as an unofficial nurse aid, a cook, janitor, and washerwoman. When she was thirty-three years old, she was accepted to a nursing program. as one of forty-two, being the only black student, (Hines, 2004). Although she had to deal with racial discrimination and long hours of lectures and patient care, she made it to the end of the program as one of four. In 1879, she graduated from the New England Hospital for Women and Children in Boston, making her the first black professional nurse in the United States. After Mary Mahoney graduated from nursing school, she worked mainly as a private duty nurse for the next thirty years. Her work became widespread as a private duty nurse. Her patient’s loved her calmness, and professionalism, and she began receiving requests from different states, (Haltey, 2010). After working for private duty for thirty years, Mahoney opened a director of an orphanage in Long Island, New York, and remained there for the next ten years. In 1908, she became a cofounder to the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses, (Hines, 2004). Mary Mahoney became an inspiration to many black women wanting to pursue a career in nursing. She fought through discrimination, as well as the pressures of nursing school, and graduated with a nursing degree. She helped to open the door for the black population that wanted to become a professional nurse and put an end to the discrimination. Susie King Taylor was born a slave in 1848 on the Grest family farm in Georgia. When Susie was seven years old her owner, Mr. Grest, allowed her to move to Savannah with her Grandmother who had been previously freed by him, (MacLean, 2007). Susie was denied education because she was black , however, her Grandmother would not let this stop her from becoming educated. Susie was sent next door to the neighbor who taught her how to read and write for the next two years, and after she learned this, she was sent to a few other people to become educated. At 14 years old, Susie was taken by boat by Union Soldiers to St. Simon’s Island. Here she met her future husband, Edward King, an army sergeant. She worked with the First Regiment of South Carolina Volunteers, which was made up of slaves, who had been freed by the Union Army. Susie was asked to start a school for children on St. Simon’s Island, and she willingly agreed. Susie taught about forty children, and she also taught adults at night. (MacLean, 2007). In 1863, Susie traveled with her husband’s regiment. She became the first black nurse during the Civil War, and helped to care for wounded soldiers. During her off hours she taught the soldiers how to read and write, and also cooked and laundered for them. She wrote in her diary about the nursing shortages during the war, and was happy to provide nursing care to the sick soldiers. She continued to serve as a nurse until the war ended in 1865. (MacLean, 2007). When the war was over, her and her husband moved to Savannah, Georgie. In 1866 she opened a school for freed black children. Shortly after the school opened, and Susie gave birth to her son, her husband Edward King passed away. In the 1870s, Susie moved to Boston and remarried nine years later. She also joined and became president of the Women’s Relief Corps, which was an association for the Veterans of the Civil War. After being asked by the Women’s Relief Corps, as well as the Army, she agreed to write an autobiography about her experiences during the war. In 1902, Susie King Taylor published her autobiography, Reminiscneces of my Life in Camp: A Black Woman’s Civil War Memoirs, (MacLean, 2007). In 1902, Susie received a letter from the commanding officer in the First South Carolina volunteers stating, â€Å"I most sincerely regret that through a technicality you are barred from having your name placed on the roll of pensioners, as an Army nurse; for among all the number of heroic women whom the government is now rewarding, I know of no one more deserving than yourself,† (MacLean, 2007). Adah Thoms was born in 1870 in Richmond, Virginia. Before she pursued a nursing career, she attended school studying elocution and speech at Cooper Union. Shorty after, she attended the Women’s Infirmary and School of Therapeutic Massage and graduated in 1900. She was the only black woman of thirty students, (White, 2010). She also attended the Lincoln Hospital and Home School of Nursing. After graduating she became assistant superintendent of nurses at the Lincoln Hospital and Home School of Nursing for eighteen years. During her years there, she added another course to the nursing curriculum, public health, and made public health a recognized field of nursing, (White, 2010). Adah Thoms helped with Martha Franklin, and Mary Mahoney to organize the National Association for Colored Graduate Nurses, and was appointed as its first treasurer, and was later president of the organization for seven years. She was also very dedicated to ensuring equal opportunities for black nurses, and worked hard to try and achieve these rights. Thoms worked with the chairmen of the American Red Cross to convince the Surgeon General to allow black nurses to enroll in the Army Nurse Corps, (White, 2010). Black women would enlist to try and serve as nurses during World War I, however the Surgeon General refused to let any black nurses serve. Eighteen black women were eventually accepted to serve as nurses during WWI due to the nursing shortages, and were only allowed to provide care to black soldiers. (White, 2010). Thoms was recognized for her dedication to obtaining equal rights for black nurses. She added to the nursing curriculum, served in the NAGCN as treasurer and president, worked with the Red Cross to campaign for equal rights of black nurses, and opened the door for nurses to serve in the military. For her bravery and commitment, she was the first to receive the Mary Mahoney award when it was established in 1936, and was also inducted into the American Nursing Hall of Fame in 1976, (White, 2010) Mabel Keaton Staupers was born in 1890, in Barbados. In 1903 she moved with her family to the United States, and made a home in Harlem. She graduated from Freedman’s Hospital School of Nursing in Washington, DC in 1917, and began her nursing career as a private duty nurse. In 1920, she collaborated with Dr. Louis T. Wright, and Dr. James Wilson, to organize the Booker T. Washington Sanatorium, which was the first facility in Harlem where black doctors could treat black patients, (American Nurses Association, 2010). In 1922 she was assigned to create a survey for the Harlem area for the health needs of the community. With the results of this survey, the New York Tuberculosis and Health Association was organized, and Mabel Staupers was the first Executive Secretary, and kept this position for the next twelve years, (American Nurses Association, 2010). In 1934, Mabel was appointed as the first nurse executive of the NACGN. During this time she began a campaign for nurses to gain integration into the Armed Forces Nurses Corps, and by 1941 black nurses were allowed into the Army, but not with full integration, and the US navy continued to prevent black nurses from enrolling. Staupers gained the help of Eleanor Roosevelt, who was first lady at the time, and wrote a letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt to recognize black nurses. With support from the public, the Army and Navy both accepted black nurses by January, 1945, (American Nurses Association, 2010). Mabel Staupers is recognized for ending the discrimination of colored nurses, and allowing the colored nurses full integration into the Armed Forces Nurses Corps. She was appointed president of the NACGN in 1949, and the association voted itself out in 1951, and merged with the American Nurses Association after their goal of full professional integration had been met. In 1951, Staupers was given the award for the Spingarn Medal from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and published an autobiography in 1961 called, No Time for Prejudice: A Story of the Integration of Negroes in Nursing in the United States, (American Nurses Association, 2010). The first school of nursing for blacks was formed in 1891 in Chicago Illinois, (Provident Hospital History, 2010). Emma Reynolds was a young black women trying to gain an education to pursue a career in nursing. She applied to nursing schools in Chicago, and had been denied by everyone, for the simple fact that she was a black woman. Her brother was Reverend Louis Reynolds, who felt that something should be done so that black women could be educated in nursing. He sought help from a respected black surgeon in Chicago, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams. The two of them gained support from their community, many blacks, and a few white citizens. They were given donations of supplies, equipment, and financial support. The Armour Meat Packing Company had secured a down payment on a three story brick house with twelve beds, that they turned into the first school of nursing for blacks, Provident Hospital, (Provident Hospital History, 2010). Many black nurses have made history as they were struggling for equal rights for their profession. During this struggle, the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses was formed in 1908, (Massey, 1993). The founder of this association was Martha Franklin, with cofounders Mary Eliza Mahoney, and Adah Thoms. This association was founded to fight discrimination towards black people who wanted an education in nursing, as well as being a part of the American Nurses Association. The association fought long and hard for their rights as equals, and led campaigns across the United States. One of its biggest achievements was successfully fighting for full integration of black nurses into the Armed Forces Nurses Corps. After black nurses were allowed to serve in the US Army and Navy, they were also allowed full integration into the ANA. After this association gained their right to become educated in nursing, be a part of the nurses in the US Army and Navy, and join the ANA, they voted their selves out and merged with the American Nurses Association in 1951, (Massey, 1993). The black population in the 1800s were not given equal rights as the white population. They were denied many rights, and education was one of them. Many brave women struggled to fight to put an end to discrimination, and to be able to pursue a career in the field that they loved, nursing. It took a lot of hard work and dedication, however they made it happened. These women opened the doors for other black people who wanted to become a professional nurse, and because of them all minorities are now welcome into the field of nursing.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

In a Grove :: essays research papers

Louis Andrei Zabala Litera2 10335625 07/11/05 In A Grove It is a story that provides the ultimate explanation of how two different people who are witnesses to a crime give completely different psychological recollections of the same event. The author reminds us that truth depends on the telling. Someone must step forward and tell that truth. I believe that no matter how many times you read "In A Grove," there's not enough information in the story to figure out the truth about what took place on the day of the samurai's death, but it's still fun to sort out what you think you know for sure, what seems highly probable, what seems highly improbable, and what doesn't fit into any of these three categories. But for me, "In A Grove" isn't about searching for some kind of absolute truth — it's about how differently people perceive the same external event. The best example in the story of what I mean by this is perhaps the sword fight between the bandit and the samurai. The bandit perceived it as a heroic duel between a pair of honorable, expert swordsmen while the woodsman saw two scared, clumsy men stumbling around with swords in their hands as each tried desperately to prevail over the other any way he could. When it's all said and done, you won't know who is telling the truth, who is lying and, mos t importantly, why. Yet the parable is more important, today, perhaps, as a lesson in how we construct the narratives upon which justice depends: What facts must we know to decide the truth? That question makes the author’s inquiry the concern of those who now seek justice in the GMA presidency, as well. And it doesn't matter one bit. The writer isn't interested in truth, lies or anything of the sort. He's interested in reality, and the reality of human truth is that no one will ever really know it.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Medical Marijuana Essay Essay

The issue on legalizing marijuana is a very controversial topic in the U.S. and all around the world. This is an issue for the fact that some people are being denied medical treatments just because marijuana has been illegal and misunderstood for so long. For as long as anyone can remember medical and legal marijuana has been seen in the negative side of the news and bad opinions by the general population. In recent years people, local governments, and state governments in the United States have been speaking out and is changing the way many people are viewing marijuana in this paper we will discuss the financial, medical, negative and positive effects of marijuana. Ways that you can fix this issue are contacting your local and state governments and expressing your opinions on this issue. First, look at the way America is viewing the legalization of marijuana. Marijuana now being fully legalized in Colorado and Washington, also with 23 states making it legal for medical purposes and 6 others decriminalizing the drug is now on a different path with legalization. â€Å"Owners of the 37 new dispensaries around the state reported first week retail sales to The Huffington Post that, when added together, were roughly $5 million.† (Frener, 2014). As you can see the financial revenue from just one state in its first week of opening is huge. All of this money can go back into school programs, equipment for classrooms, and other community related budgets. Colorado and Washington are hopeful that they will make up to 2.1 billion in revenue for the states. Uses for medical marijuana have been looked down upon until recent years. Many people follow what their parents think of the drug and that it is bad or they follow what their friends think. Scientists have been researching the positive medical effects of marijuana from tests and studies. â€Å"Medical marijuana has shown positive results for epilepsy treatment, especially for patients who have physical resistance, to traditional medications. A special strain cultivated for pediatric epileptic treatment, called ‘Charlotte’s Web’ has become widely popular, with parents flocking to Colorado to get a supply for their children.† (Shim, 2014). This just shows how important cannabis can be for people and their kids in Utah. The main chemical that affects the way we feel and the main medical ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol is effective in treating chronic pain, vomiting, nausea, anorexia, and other social psychological disorders. With all of this research being found over the years we can only assume that if  legalized who knows what we can find from continued research. There is also the more serious side of medical marijuana and that is the help it has towards serious illness and diseases that cannabis has already been known to help cure. All of this knowledge has been discovered has had with major diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, major depression, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, and many forms of cancer. Next, many studies have been done on how much worse cigarettes are for you then marijuana. Research has been shown that cigarettes have been proven to be a lot worse for your lungs then weed. You can benefit from mari juana in many ways smoking it is the worst but quickest way to get the effect. Some people use vaporizers so it won’t be as harmful on their throat and lungs. The healthiest ways to take in the medicine is in an edible or pill form. Another thing that makes smoking cigarettes a lot worse than smoking marijuana is the addictive effects of nicotine that marijuana doesn’t have. In the year 2012, someone was arrested for marijuana related crimes every 42 seconds. If you really think about it that’s almost one person a minute, or 60 people every hour and so on. Now look to the next year and our current year. Crime rates have plummeted in Colorado in late 2013 and in 2014 basically are non-existent. â€Å"While marijuana prosecutions against people over 21 declined, so did prosecutions against people under 21, for whom all marijuana possession remains illegal except for medical marijuana patients. Colorado Attorney General John Suthers said he thinks the drop in cases may be due to police not wanting to parse the complexities of the state’s marijuana law.† (Ingold, 2014) People in the United States pay around 8% tax revenue to keep prisoners in custody. Many of these people are only there f or a minor crime of selling or in possession of marijuana. If marijuana were to become legal, many of these people would have a better time finding a job, save America millions of dollars, and these peoples’ lives wouldn’t be ruined over a harmless drug. Medical Marijuana could be one of the main factors to get us out of this deep recession. The United States could make so much more money by legalizing marijuana, and applying higher taxes on the marijuana they sell. One thing you might see the government doing this with is cigarettes. You may not notice the inflation of how much the tax on cigarettes go up depending on how much of a dense population will have higher tax on cigarettes. This is mainly for profits to go back into the government. If  you do the research a pack of cigarettes costs about 40 cents to make that is two cents a cigarette, but if that is the case then why are cigarettes 5-12 dollars, because depending on where you are the taxes will go up. If you are somewhere like Virginia, where cigarettes are made, y ou can get a pack for five dollars. Then there are places like New York where it can be 10-15 dollars a pack. If The United States did the same thing with marijuana who knows how much this could raise revenue. But how would they package and sell marijuana? One way the government could sell this product would be to have pre rolled joints (rolled up marijuana cigarettes) in a pack, maybe not in a pack of 20 but something smaller. So it could be sold in a dispensary but also in smoke shops and gas stations in states where it is legal that is. One of the government’s main concerns for not legalizing is the how America will view the change in laws. Something we can see is the rise in support of this drug and how it is affecting the lives of many people in The United States and around the world. People will buy marijuana even if the taxes are ridiculous as long as it’s legal I don’t think people are going to have a problem with purchasing legal marijuana. Now for the negatives, many people that are for t he legalization of marijuana might also have the mindset that marijuana doesn’t have negative effects on the brain and body. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is activated in the brain using cannabinoid receptors, once the THC enters your brain it hits these receptors creating your â€Å"high†. The cannabinoid receptors affect the parts of the body that have to do with memory, pleasure, organized thought, senses, and time perception. Marijuana causes health risks in the heart and lungs depending on how you choose to consume the drug. â€Å"THC messes with brain areas called the cerebellum and basal ganglia, which regulate balance, posture, coordination, and reaction time. When these brain areas are disturbed, the user has a harder time walking and talking correctly, becoming quite clumsy. It also impacts their ability to drive† (Welsh,Spector, 2013). . The lungs also experience burning and stinging in the mouth and lungs when marijuana is smoked. Studies have also been done to see the effects of sleep, and they say that if you go to sleep high it can interrupt one of the 5 stages of sleep and make i t so you don’t get as much sleep. One thing that the government is worried about when legalizing marijuana is it can put a damper on the financial benefits of legalization of at home growing. If the drug is legalized what is to stop people from growing their own? Laziness, what percent of Americans grow and raise their own food so what makes them think they will grow their own weed? On the other hand growing this plant is not very hard. This will always raise more questions for the people. Will there be laws against growing your own? How will they regulate that? The government will always find a way to benefit from your happiness. In conclusion, marijuana is slowly creeping its way into our lives one way or another. If it is legalized for the financial benefits to help The United States get out of its recession, to financially help out communities by putting the revenue into our schools, parks, or general community improvement. Even if it is only legalized for one of its countless medical benefits from cancer, depression, anxiety, HIV/AIDS treatment, or to help someone get over an eating disorder. Now there is always the possibility that America won’t legalize for negative health reasons, or social shaming from other Americans. The amount of states getting bills, setting boundaries, making laws, and opening up, are phenomenal. Get ready, legalization could be closer than you think. References Armentano, P. (2014, January 7). Recent Research on Medical Marijuana. Retrieved March 18, 2014, from Ferner , M. (2014, January 8). Colorado Recreational Marijuana Sales Exceed $5 Million In First Week. Retrieved March 24, 2014, from Ingold, J. (2014, 12). Marijuana case filings plummet in Colorado following legalization. Retrieved March 19, 2014, from t-colorado-following-legalization Nelson, S. (2013, September 16). Police Made One Marijuana Arrest Every 42 Seconds in 2012 – US News. Retrieved March 18, 2014, from Shim, E. (2014, March 14). A 22nd State Is About to Legalize Medical Marijuana – PolicyMic. Retrieved March 18, 2014, from Welsh, J., & Spector, D. (2013, April 20). Physical And Mental Effects Of Marijuana – Business Insider. Retrieved March 19, 2014, from

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Oil Curse, By Michael Ross - 1433 Words

The discovery of oil in a low-income country is often met with both excitement and dread. Many theories circle around the idea of a â€Å"resource curse† that supposedly affects countries with large amounts of resources. The resource curse essentially dictates that a country with large amounts of resources is not as likely to thrive as a country with low levels of resources. The issue with this view is that it generalizes too much; there is just as much variance in the levels of economic success between resource-rich countries as there is between them and resource-scarce countries. This is why this newly found oil in this country does not necessarily need to be met with dread, as there is a chance for success. However, this newly found potential for wealth needs to be handled with extreme care. In the following memo I will outline what the resource curse is, why some countries are affected by it and others not, and finally I will outline how this country should handle its newl y found oil wealth. Michael Ross in his book The Oil Curse, analyzes in great detail the effects of oil on a country’s economic, political, and social environment. Ross argues that â€Å"resource curse† is not the appropriate terminology; â€Å"it is more accurately a mineral curse†, as countries are generally not affected by other types of resources. (Ross, p.1) In fact, oil and natural gas tend to be the most common villains of the resource curse. Humphreys, Sachs, and Stiglitz hypothesize that â€Å"countries withShow MoreRelatedThe Natural Resource Curse : How Wealth Can Make You Poor1416 Words   |  6 Pagesadvantage of abundant resources could turn out to be a fatal weakness. 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